Catching up

It’s been a few days since my last update, a delay caused mainly by my not getting on the home computer in the meantime. With T to occupy us during the day and a couple of nights out, there hasn’t been much time for such things. Today, however, I’ve got a lot of time. That’s because Greta, our new nanny, has taken T out for the day and I’ve been left at home without a baby to look after. By my rough calculation, I think it’s the first time I’ve had a day just to do whatever I want probably since T was born, and certainly for six months ago. I used to have at least one a week, so I’ve been missing ’em.

She had her first full-ish day yesterday and everything seemed to go well, so today I just waved them both goodbye and got on with wasting time, something I’m proud to say I’m still very good at despite my recent lack of practise.

On Monday I took T to Caxton House, a community centre close to where we live. They’ve got a nursery which is open a couple of afternoons a week for anyone who wants to drop by, give them £1.50 and use their toys and facilities. You do need to have a baby, though – if you’re just a grown-up who wants to go dressing up and playing with crayons, you might get frowned at. A good find – we’ve been compiling a list of stuff to do with T in our area for the nanny’s benefit but I think we’ll all find the information useful. I think she’ll be back to Caxton House, for a start.

~ by Simon on October 16, 2008.

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