Bad guess

The laptop’s been upstairs this week, because Rachel’s been working from home a bit. This means it isn’t in the living room, which means that I don’t pick it up and update my blogs instead of watching crap TV, and just watch crap TV. This is a bit of a shame. A few things that happened this week:

1) While wheeling Zoe, my niece, around Hampstead a nice couple came up to me to coo. To be fair, what attracted them wasn’t really Zoe but Rebecca’s dogs, Casey and Lilly, who were scurrying around my feet at the time. Anyway, they actually said possibly the funniest, and least accurate, thing anyone could say to someone pushing someone else’s daughter: “You can tell that he’s your son.” Er, nope.

2) T can now say: bear, flower, bee, dog. Something of a hippy, then. Admittedly, if she wasn’t pointing to a flower when she said flower you wouldn’t know what she’s on about, but most of them are recogniseable

3) T hates nappy changes more than any time since she was about two months old

4) We had a scan on Tuesday to check No2’s heart and other important bits. They all appear to be working. We think, based on the scan, that it’s a girl but it hasn’t been confirmed yet – another scan in two weeks will do that

5) I’m taking a day trip to France tomorrow, while Rachel’s taking T to Birmingham overnight. Our first night apart in, well, a very long time.

6) I’m at work at the moment, so can’t write much and certainly can’t upload photos. Sorry. More over the weekend, I’m sure…

~ by Simon on October 24, 2008.

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